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Greetings from Bilbao, Basque Country. Locator: IN83mg

2023-02-01 Please help all us to improve the reliability of the dx-cluster asking
for register to your node's sysop, by e-mail or using the command
"SP callsign" ( SP EA2CW ) in this case, at the telnet window.

telnet servers are available at
cc-cluster: cluster.gautxori.com:7300
dx-spider : cluster.gautxori.com:7373

Both clusters show not only the classic spots from "human" sources, but also the auto generated RBN skimmer spots of CW, RTTY, PSK, FT4 & FT8 modes.
Spots can be filtered by several parameters like band, mode, spot origin, DX location, etc.

For accessing any of the clusters, the CC User DX cluster client software is recommended. You can also use them from a simple telnet terminal -windows or linux- at: cluster.gautxori.com:7300 or cluster.gautxori.com:7373 depending on which dx-cluster "flavor" do you prefer, CC-cluster or DX-spider.

Some of the most useful spot filtering commands are:

enables/disables CW spotsSET/CW
acc/spot on HF/CW
rej/spot on HF/CW
enables all RBN spots SET/SKIMMERset/skimmer
disables all RBN spotsSET/NOSKIMMERunset/skimmer
enables only CW RBN spotsSET/SKIMMER CWset/skimmer cw
enables/disables RTTY spotsSET/RTTY
set/skimmer rtty
unset/skimmer rtty
enables/disables PSK spotsSET/PSK
set/skimmer psk
unset/skimmer psk
enables/disables FT8 spotsSET/FT8
set/skimmer ft8
unset/skimmer ft8
enables/disables FT4 spotsSET/FT4
set/skimmer ft4
unset/skimmer ft4

For any issue or info, please contact me: ea2cw at gautxori dot com

For more information about the different dx-cluster command syntax, please check the links below.
Anyway, if you use the cc-cluster client soft, that will be transparent for you.
  · DX-spider full user reference, here
  · CC-cluster full user reference, here

Last updated: 2023-02-22